Jamestown BPU Kicks Off  25th Annual “Cents for St. Susan’s” Fund Drive

JAMESTOWN, NY – The 25th annual Jamestown Board of Public Utilities (BPU) “Cents for St. Susan’s” campaign is underway, with major sponsors and volunteers celebrating the cause on May 2 at St. Susan Center, 31 Water Street, Jamestown.

The BPU volunteers and others hope to raise at least $32,000 this year, to meet last year’s total amount raised for the soup kitchen. The BPU and the community have raised $340,119 since the utility’s first campaign in 2000. 

Bright yellow “Cents for St. Susan’s” coin canisters have been placed around area store and restaurant counters through July 4 to collect spare change, dollars and checks written to St. Susan Center, to help the soup kitchen feed hungry people in the Greater Jamestown Community.

St. Susan’s mission is to “freely offer meals, fellowship, dignity and respect to all who come through our doors.”  The Center provides meals from 11 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. on weekdays and noon – 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays.

“The utility appreciates our connection with St. Susan Center,” said the BPU General Manager David L. Leathers. “We greatly respect how a small staff and many volunteers work very hard each year to manage the local hunger problem. We also are gratified that the area residents and companies join with our “Cents for St. Susan’s” campaign to provide meals for so many guests.”

The BPU offers other ways for the public to contribute to the fund drive besides the coin canisters. Checks written to St. Susan Center may be mailed to  “Cents for St. Susan’s,” Jamestown BPU, P.O. Box 700, Jamestown, NY  14702-0700.  Redeemable bottles and cans may be donated at the BPU Customer Service Office, Don’s Car Wash and the Southside Redemption Center.  

A hot dog sale to benefit the drive will be organized and staffed outside the BPU Customer Service Office on June 13.

“We are grateful to the many sponsors who already made generous contributions to the campaign,” added BPU Communications Coordinator Becky Robbins who organizes the annual drive. “Our major donors are led by Judy and Steve McAllaster, Chautauqua Chemicals, Inc. and the Robinson Law Office, PLLC.”

“Many very generous donors contributed at the $500 level to date,” said Robbins. “They include Asplundh, Boyles Motor Sales, Century 21/Turner Brokers, Dan and Connie Evans, Falconer Printing & Design, Inc., Kwik-Fill, The Legend Group with Lou Deppas, National Fuel, Northwest, R. Patti Excavating & Concrete, Robbins and Johnson Attorneys, Shults Auto Group, Slone-Melhuish Insurance, Store-N-Lock, Weinberg Financial Group, Wright Calimeri, PLLC, Attorneys and an anonymous person.  The Media One Radio Group and the Jamestown Post-Journal are media sponsors.

Each dollar donated can purchase $6 worth of food at Feed More WNY, where St. Susan purchases food. For instance, a $10 donation can purchase $60 worth of food through the food bank.

“Year after year, we at St. Susan’s are beyond humbled and grateful for the generosity of the BPU and all those that support the BPU ‘Cents for St. Susan’s’ campaign,” stated St. Susan Executive Director Cherie Rowland. “These donations enable us to serve over 4,000 meals each month. Thank you!”

“Gifts of any size to ‘Cents for St. Susan’s’ are important and greatly appreciated,” noted Robbins. “We are grateful to everyone in the community that helps St. Susan Center during this campaign.”

For questions, contact Robbins at (716)661-1680 or brobbins@jamestownbpu.com.