St Susan Center serves the community 6 days a week.
No one is turned away
Meal Service:
Monday – Friday 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Doors are Locked at 2:45 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Closed Sundays.
Closed New Years Day, Memorial, July 4, Laborday
*Special Holiday hours on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter
Our guests are not only the unemployed and the homeless. They are young parents, teens, seniors, children, and the physically, mentally and emotionally challenged. They are people you know and love in the midst of a tragedy, illness, loss or injustice. The difference is this: they did not have a safety net of family and friends to help them set their path right when a mistake is made or tragedy strikes. Everyday our services provide meals to hopefully open healing and hope to those in need.